


At YCYW, we value creativity and entrepreneurship, and it is committed to nurturing students' artistic sensibility, innovation, and adaptability to deal with our ever-changing society.
In this design competition, we look forward to YCYW students showcasing the unique charm of cultural integration through their distinctive artistic perspectives and creative expressions.

学生姓名(Student Name)
学校名称(School Name)
年级与班级(Grade & Class)
作品名称(Artwork Title)
作品中文简介(Artwork Chinese Description,150字以内): (请简要描述您的作品,包括设计理念和灵感来源) (Please briefly describe your artwork, including design concept and inspiration)
作品英文简介(Artwork English Description,300字以内): (Please provide a brief description of your artwork in English)
作品文件(Artwork File) 请上传您的作品文件(格式为JPG,大小不超过5MB)。 (Please upload your artwork file in JPG format, size not exceeding 5MB) 确保文件包含角色的正面、侧面和背面造型各一幅。 (Ensure the file includes front, side, and back views of the character)
原创声明(Originality Statement)
版权声明(Copyright Statement)